

真道培训学院持守历代大公教会正统教义信条,以《西敏信条Westminster Confession of Faith》、《西敏大、小教理问答Westminster Long and Shorter Catechism》为信仰准则。同时这一信仰准则也是教师授课的信仰守则。真道培训学院继承持守“中国家庭教会”立场,对一切不以耶稣基督为教会唯一元首的所谓“教会”不予相交。



历史的教训告诉我们:当圣经真理没有被持守和正确宣讲时,教会 落在黑暗之中。中世纪教会有一千年之久,被称为“中世纪的黑暗时代”,正是因为圣经真理被遮蔽和谬讲。十六世纪,上帝兴起马丁路德和约翰加尔文等改教家,带来举世闻名的“宗教改革运动”,使教会重新恢复高举圣经真理的教义 ——唯独圣经、唯独恩典、唯独因信称义、唯独基督是中心、唯独上帝得荣耀,带来教会的复兴与更新。纯正福音信仰的基督教会,都是“宗教改革”的子孙。然而,今日的教会也仿佛回到了中世纪,真道不彰,假道横行,世俗歪风吹进教会,人本主义充斥于教会讲台和信徒生活中。教会唯有回归圣经,才能避免假道迷惑、正本清源、归回正途。




一 坚持神学培训与教会紧密相连的原则


二 坚持真理的教导与教会实践相结合的理念


三 团队事奉理念





Classification of the Ministry: Theological Training

Goals of the Ministry: To establish theological training programs for the purpose of equipping God’s servants with a solid understanding of biblical truth in order to strengthen and support the Church. TWTC works in partnership with the Church to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Characteristics of the Ministry: Mainland Chinese churches have often not been able to provide systematic theological training for their pastors and evangelists because of governmental restrictions. Many church leaders therefore lack a systematic understanding of the Scriptures and are unable to work effectively to establish churches, build up the believers, and withstand heresies. For this reason, TWTC programs emphasize basic theological training, including systematic theology, church history, hermeneutics, homiletics, the theology of pastoring, and biblically-based counseling.

Specific Objectives and Scope of the Ministry:

Asia: To provide training primarily to full-time ministers and lay coworkers

North America: To provide training primarily to lay coworkers who have a burden for Chinese churches (individuals who will provide long term support to a church in their hometown or another location China); to organize discipleship training conferences according to the needs of local churches Resource Development: Production, translation, and publication of teaching materials and theological literature; production of tapes, videos, and CDs


The Triune God: We believe in the one true God who exists eternally as a trinity of three divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is independently existent, unchanging, and all-powerful. He is faithful, good, merciful, holy, just, full of wisdom, and glorious; He is forever worthy of praise, worship, love, and honor from all humanity.

Jesus Christ: Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, the second Person of the Trinity, of one substance with the Father and equal with Him in power and glory. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, fully God and fully human, the only mediator between God and humanity. He was crucified on the cross for our sin, was buried, and rose again on the

third day. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right side of the Father interceding for us. He will come again to judge the world at the end of time.

The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity, of one substance with the Father and the Son, and equal with them in power and glory. The Holy Spirit applies to each believer the work of salvation that the Son has accomplished on the cross. As the believer is being sanctified, the Holy Spirit teaches truth, grants peace, produces holiness, intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express, and is another Counselor like the Lord Jesus.

Scripture: The entire Bible – consisting of the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament – is inspired by God and is inerrant and infallible, the highest standard and authority of Christian faith and life. The testimony of any person or church must submit to the authority of the Bible. All arguments concerning the faith, every direction of the Church or any Christian organization, all Christian traditions, personal teaching, visions, and dreams should all consider the Bible as the highest judge.

Sin and Salvation. The first parents of the human race sinned and caused all of humanity to fall into sin. Fallen humans die in transgression and sin, having lost the essence of real free will, namely the will to choose God freely. We are saved by grace through faith alone; our good works do not in any way bring us salvation. We therefore firmly believe that all who have been chosen by God the Father through Jesus Christ, who have been born again by the Holy Spirit, who have come to repentance and been declared righteous by God, should pursue holiness in grace. Although never perfect, they will not fall from God’s grace but will be protected by God, persist to the end, and be forever saved.

The Church. Christ is the head of the church, and the church is the body of Christ and the temple of the eternal God. The church is established on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets and ultimately upon the Bible itself. The Bible is the basis and standard of the direction, teaching, and governance of the church. A true church must faithfully proclaim the truth as revealed in the Bible, faithfully minister the sacraments of the church (baptism and communion); faithfully exercise church discipline, and move toward maturity, having a deep love for one another, a healthy governance, and an outreach to nonbelievers. All born-again believers share a common bond through their union with Christ, who is the Head of the church, and with the church, which is the Body of Christ. Believers should be willing to submit to the church, participate in service, pursue holiness, glorify Christ, be made complete in the Body of Christ, and together, with one heart and mind, build up Christ’s glorious church.


The only real purpose for serving God is to glorify God’s name in all the earth. The Church is God’s glorious representative in the world. All service that pleases God should be rooted in the Church. TWTC, as a theological training organization, is rooted in the Church, is connected to the Church, serves the Church, and, at the same time, needs participation, support, and loving care from the Church and from individual brothers and sisters. This is our conviction and the ideal by which our ministry operates.Therefore, the priorities of our personal service must flow from a pursuit to know God – having a healthy and mature spiritual life; a determination to know the truth – living a godly life in reverent fear; and a clear understanding of the commission God has given us – a call to authentic and effective service.